Pumping the Brakes on Climate Change:
A Review of the Technologies and Politics that Could Leave the Future a Future.
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Welcome to my website, Pumping the Brakes on Climate Change, ptbocc.com. Here we will explore some of the technologies we might use to build a future free from the existential threat of climate change, a future of clean, breathable air and drinkable water, of plentiful, clean energy, abundant food and fiber, and good-paying jobs for all who want them. While I am learning to build a better website and to translate Microsoft Word to e-book formats, I hope that those of you on my initial "advance reader" mailing list will download a free PDF of PTBOCC, either read the whole book or use the table of contents (copy below) to explore those topics that interest you, and either leave comments in the right margin or return to this website and leave comments on the pages the Topics section will take you to, or contact me. I will use those comments to improve the book, and I may use any that are suitable as "cover blurbs" to help promote Pumping the Brakes on Climate Change: A Review of the Technologies and Politics that Could Leave the Future a Future, and the ideas therein.
Some of you are the inventors and developers of the technologies I discuss. I hope you will correct any mistakes I may have made in describing your tech, or, if you care to, educate me in it to a deeper level. If you can explain it better than I did, I would love to include your long or short quotes or passages: Pumping the Brakes on Climate Change will not be finished without your input. If you care to include your organization's contact information, I will include it where appropriate. If you cite references, please look at my endnotes and supply me with the same information I include in most of them: writer, article title, publisher, date of publication, and web address of the article. If you would like to contribute, email me and I will shoot you the Microsoft Word version to make it easy for you.
Others of you are sponsoring contests, looking for ways to head off this unparalleled disaster. I think you are looking for tech in development, not journalism; nonetheless, if you find ideas or technologies in PTBOCC that inspire your support, I can go to my grave content that I did what I could to help head off the worst catastrophe Home "sapiens" has ever cooked up for itself and the rest of the living world.
Some of you are in politics, and in a position to help make these ideas reality. I would also like a couple of you to contribute a few words to PTBOCC: I will ask you personally, but volunteers are always a pleasant surprise, too.
Still others of you are journalists, or presenters with your own websites and YouTubes. I learned a lot from you: thanks! I hope that all of you will find new ideas for stopping and reversing climate change in PTBOCC--I have at least a couple that I've never heard of elsewhere--and that you will help me spread these ideas. I also hope that you will find my copious endnotes of use in your own research.
Below you will find the table of contents from Pumping the Brakes on Climate Change. Please read it, and if any of it interests you, find Download Book above, download a free PDF of PTBOCC, and let me know what you think! I hope you will read my Topics pages on this website: I mean to discuss a single topic from PTBOCC in each entry, beginning with the one of most immediate concern to me: Methane Excursions are bad news. (Huh. If I copy and paste, that links here. Cool.) See if you agree with me that we are out of time, and why.
I was going to say enjoy, but this is not an enjoyable topic. It is an urgent topic, existentially urgent, if we give a damn about the future of the species and of our kids and grands, and I hope you will find ideas/technologies/politics in PTBOCC you can support. Thank you for your consideration, and for all you do to fight climate change.
--John O'Renick, Aug. 5, 2022.
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